How to Set up a New Windows 10 Computer

When you bought a new HP, Dell, Lenovo or other brands of Windows 10 laptop, the first thing you need to do is setting up the new computer. There are a lot of things you need to set up before actually using the PC, such as login name and password, configure a bunch of settings, add Microsoft account and more. In this article, we’ll show you how to set up your new computer with Windows 10.

1.Run Windows Update

For windows 10 users, you need to download many Windows updates on your computer, you can run the update during setting it up. From the search box, type "updates" and then choose "Check for updates". Now Windows will search for the updates and start download it. 
download windows update

2. Set up the Security Settings

Windows computer can encounter many system issue or stuck after using for a while. Malware attack is also one of the issues that you cannot ignore. Windows 10 ships with Windows Defender enabled by default. Defender is a solid, if not overly detailed security solution that’s dead-simple to use and probably good enough for most people.

3. Adjust Display Scaling

Display scaling allows you to control the size of the desktop objects, which helps save the screen real estate. Here are how you can use this feature: From the desktop, right click on it and select "Display settings" from the list. Now select "Display" from the left category and you'll see the option "Change the size of text, apps and other items". Set them to the parameters you want, you cannot get any smaller than 100 percent.
adjust display

 Reboot your computer and then settings you changed will be working now. If you encountered some screen broken or won’t turn on issues, you can get a new laptop screen from laptopgemwon.

4. Download Software

No matter you are a business people, students or scholar, one of the important things you need to do when setting up a Windows 10 computer is downloading and installing some programs. For business needs, Microsoft Office, PDF editors, Photoshop are all the necessary ones. If you are a game lover, you may want to run your favorite games in the first time. Download the necessary programs on your computer as you want.

5. Install the Browser you Want

Surfing the internet is the basic function of a laptop. However, you need to install your preferred browser before getting started. Chrome is one of the most popular browsers that has trusted by millions of users. Download Chrome from Go to Settings, click "System" and then select "Default Apps" from the left category. Now click the icon under "Web browser" and then select your preferred browser.

6. Set Up Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are very useful for users and can make your work much easier. You can set up keyboard shortcuts for every apps you may use when setting up Windows 10 laptop. Open the "Run" dialog box by pressing "Windows + R" keys. Type "explorer shell:AppsFolder" into the box and hit OK. Right click on the app you want and select Create Shortcut. Click Yes when prompted. A new icon appears on your desktop. Enter a key combination using CTRL + ALT + a Character in the Shortcut key box.

7. Change Desktop Theme

Some people may not be satisfied with the default laptop themes. If you are one of them, you can change the desktop theme with the following steps: Right click on the desktop and select "Personalize".
windows10 personalize

 Now choose "Background" from the list. Select the picture you want and set is as your wallpaper.

8. Update new PC's drivers

Few things can introduce troublesome ghosts in your machine faster than a driver that refuses to play nice for whatever reason.Windows Update should’ve snagged reasonably new drivers for your hardware anyway.But if you cobbled together a DIY rig or are rocking a gaming machine, it’s a good idea to see if newer drivers are available for your hardware. Go to "Device Manager" and choose the hard drive you want, right click on it and select "update".

