Does the 128GB SSD meet the needs of your laptop windows?

If you want to upgrade to a 256GB SSD laptop, they are too expensive. Will a 128G drive be ok?
The notebook industry is gradually moving from a PC with a traditional hard disk drive (HDD) to a PC with a chip-based solid state drive (SSD). As you have discovered, the problem is cost. SSDs are faster and more expensive.

Based on the amount of your data:
In most cases, the largest folder will be a collection of photos, music and videos. Copying these to an external hard drive may be worthwhile to avoid taking up new SSD space.

The largest directory is usually Windows and can take up 15GB to 30GB. The older the PC, the bigger you can expect, the more space the WinSxS folder takes up. If personal photos, document files are not many, 128G is enough to install your operating system.

Actual drive specifications:
Microsoft and PC manufacturers use some of the drive space for other purposes. Windows 10 has a 16MB MSR (Microsoft Reserved Partition) for partition management and another partition (at least 300MB) for storing the Windows recovery environment. The manufacturer may have added a small partition to store the support tools.

Your "128GB SSD" will provide less than 119GB of storage for programs and data. By subtracting the space used by Windows 10, you can leave approximately 90GB to 100GB of space. Subtracting another 20GB of swap files, cache, Windows updates, etc., Your hard drive space will only be left 70-80G.

In order to prevent the space required for windows to update twice a year, it is recommended that you close the windows update service, so that after the update is blocked, you can save more laptop hard disk space.

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